In the next 15 years in the euro-zone, bonds are due for a total of 6,037 billion euros. The federal government is serious about this week: Short sales are banned and a financial transaction tax brings in proximity that is more tangible. It gives the impression that the government is the cause of the euro crisis with determination. The impression is deceptive, and everyone knows it, including the Federal Government!

Because ensures not the tax on financial market transactions for stable and sustainable fiscal policy in Europe, they will probably not even for the taming of speculation (as its proponents hope). It is just a balloon of good political humour! One question remains. Why the federal government is at once a great supporter of this tax after their effectiveness has been drawn into question for years?

Three possible answers are spontaneously:

  • First, the government has to be convinced.
  • Second, the control is the part of a big political business. The European debt brake, and with it the long-awaited fiscal discipline comes, and in return, the federal government had to swallow this toad. One would like to believe, but it does not appear to be very likely.
  • The third explanation is the least desirable, but it is the most plausible. It is necessary even more discretionary fiscal space – even at the price of a few dozen billion transfer.

The reactions of citizens and investors in the markets (sales of euro assets, increasing demand for real estate and facilities in foreign currency) speak for themselves. The Germans are not so stupid apparently. It is time that the government takes these signals as a positive sign, and with the citizens of the European partners in the back makes it clear what is and is not, even if there are conflicts and lengthy negotiations.

Greece’s decision

Greece, Spain, Portugal, indeed Germany have plunged the euro into a crisis of confidence. Who is to blame for this mess, those who lost the faith, which comes to a stable currency, or those who have their self-imposed rules (Stability and Growth Pact)?A vicious circle that without a clear cut and hard rules cannot be interrupted. In addition, much hope for improvement and renewed confidence. How this trust can be justified, it is remains unclear.

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